
CEM responds to power outage incident

Macau, 15 April 2015

Further to the power outage happened this morning, CEM would like to provide further information as follows: At 10:56am this morning, a malfunction of the 110kV high-voltage equipment in the Canal dos Patos Substation which subsequently affected four primary substations including S. Paulo, D. Maria, Porto Exterior and Ariea Preta Substations. Extensive areas in Macau Peninsula were affected, summed up to around 100,000 customers and some customers in Taipa, Coloane and University of Macau encountered voltage dip caused by the incident.

CEM immediately took emergency measures by activating the generation units of Coloane Power Plant A to provide emergency supply. Two local main generation units were connected to the grid at 11:37am and 11:47am. The network was gradually stabilized. Power supply restoration started at 11:55am. The supply was fully restored at 12:20pm.

CEM conducts regular inspection and maintenance for all the substations every year. For the Canal dos Patos Substation, last inspection was performed in March this year.

CEM will submit investigation report to the Office for the Development of the Energy Sector (GDSE) as soon as possible and apologizes for any inconvenience caused to the affected citizens and customers.

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