
21 Students completed a Summer Training Program in CEM

28th August, 2013

CEM has always been devoted to providing learning opportunities to Macau students. Since the launch of the Summer Training Program in year 1991, CEM has provided internship opportunities for more than 600 students. Through personal experience, the trainees are expected to get to know the operation of the company and to be better equipped in the future to integrate into the society.

This year, there are 19 students from the University of Macau (UM), and 2 students from overseas universities participated in the Summer Training Program. The 21 students were assigned to 10 different departments, including Communications and Public Affairs Office; Customers Services Department; Finance Department; Generation Department; Human Resources Department; Information Systems Department; Network Operations and Maintenance Department; Network Planning, Design and Construction Department; Power and Networks Dispatch Department; Safety, Health, Environment and Quality Office.

During the program, a “Safety & Health Awareness Training” was organized for the students with the objective to introduce the fundamental knowledge of common hazards, risk, control methods and CEM Safety and Health policy. Besides, a site visit was also organized for the students to various CEM premises to enable a close encounter with different facilities.

Students were satisfied with the training program with skills and knowledge that can’t be learnt in a classroom, such as the professionalism and job responsibility required for working in a large enterprise.

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