
CEM and Women's General Association of Macau jointly hold Seminar on Energy Saving and Safety

13 May 2014, Macau

CEM has been committed to promoting environmental protection and energy conservation. In addition to organizing activities such as the “Macau Energy Saving Contest", CEM also holds seminars with various associations in Macau each year to promote knowledge about energy saving and safety to the public, strengthen communication with customers, and introduce CEM’s customer services to citizens. CEM and the Integrated Services Centre of the Women’s General Association of Macau jointly organized an “Energy Saving and Safety Seminar” at the Center on 13 May, with more than 220 members of the association in attendance.

The Seminar was chaired by Vice Director of the Women’s General Association of Macau Un Sio Leng, Advisor to CEM Executive Committee Iun Iok Meng, CEM Customer Services Department Senior Manager Keegan Cheang and Communications and Public Affairs Senior Manager Cecilia Nip. At the Seminar, CEM Customer Services Department Customer Contact Management Officer Joyce Lao, Metering Services Engineers Sin Ka Man and Clark Tang introduced “CEM Customer Services”, “Household Energy Saving and Safety” and “Maintenance and Management of Public Electrical Installations”.

CEM speakers introduced the know-how of electricity usage in daily life through simple presentations, interesting tips and practical examples to enhance the attendees’ awareness on energy conservation and safety. Members of the Women’s General Association of Macau at the Seminar gave encouraging responses in the Q&A session. They said they would apply the knowledge at home and share it with their families to contribute to preserve the blue sky of Macau.

After the Seminar, the attendees immediately registered for the “Macao Energy Saving Contest”. “Residential Group” has been added to the contest since 2012 and all qualified residential customers are welcome to join. Cash prizes for winners of Champion, 1st runner-up, 2nd runner-up in “Residential Group” have been increased to MOP 5,000, MOP 3,000 and MOP 2,000 respectively. In addition, five Excellence Awards will be presented with cash prize of MOP 1,000 each. Residential customers can visit “Macau Energy Saving Contest 2014” at to learn more details about the contest and enroll online. The deadline is 31 July. Customers can call 8393 1205 at office hours for details.

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