Billing Information

Understand My Bill

Tariff Group A

1Mailing InformationInformation for bill delivery.
2Customer & Installation AddressContract holder and the property where the electricity is being supplied to.
3Contract NumberPlease refer to this number when contacting us about electricity supply or bill.
4Total Due AmountTotal amount you have to pay.
5Payment Due DateCustomer is required to settle the bill on or before the due date. For overdue payment, a late charge will be levied and transferred to next bill.
6Autopay Information (Only applicable to autopay customers)Shows the bank name and Autopay date.
7Next Reading DateThe schedule date for next meter reading.
8Bill SummaryAn overview of charges incurred, while more detailed information is available on the reverse side.
9Consumption HistogramShows the monthly consumption of last and current year with average monthly consumption for comparison
10MessageImportant information related to the electricity supply service.
11Consumption PeriodPrevious and current meter reading dates and number of days of energy consumption
12Multi. FactorSome meters only record a fraction of the energy consumed. Therefore, a multiplying factor is required to determine your actual electricity consumption.
13Consumption (Unit)Units of energy consumption calculated by the difference between current and previous meter readings multiplied by the multiplying factor.
14DepositDeposit paid according to the subscribed demand (meter size) value, as a security for any charges that may become payable related to your consumption charges.
15Subscribed DemandMaximum electric load available through the connection of supply as stated in the supply contract. If the subscribed demand has ever been changed in the same billing period, the column will display the latest one.
16Tariff GroupThe tariff applied for energy consumed and subscribed demand (meter size)
17DemandCharge related to subscribed demand (meter size).
18ConsumptionCharge related to units of energy consumption with different unit price.
19Tariff Clause AdjustmentQuarterly adjustment to reflect fluctuation in the cost of electricity generation and importation of the previous quarter.
20Government TaxMonthly tax payable for the use of electrical installation.
21Odd AmountFor the convenience of customers, odd amount will be carried forward to your next bill. Total charges will be rounded down to the nearest ten.

Tariff Group B, C & D

1Mailing InformationInformation for bill delivery.
2Contract NumberPlease refer to this number when contacting us about electricity supply or bill
3Tariff GroupThe tariff applied for energy consumed and subscribed demand (meter size)
4Subscribed DemandMaximum electric load available through the connection of supply as stated in the supply contract. If the subscribed demand has ever been changed in the same billing period, the column will display the latest one.
5DepositDeposit paid according to the subscribed demand (meter size) value, as a security for any charges that may become payable related to your consumption charges.
6Consumption PeriodPrevious and current meter reading dates and number of days of energy consumption
7Next Reading DateThe schedule date for next meter reading.
8Multi. FactorSome meters only record a fraction of the energy consumed. Therefore, a multiplying factor is required to determine your actual electricity consumption.
9DemandCharge related to subscribed demand (meter size)
10ConsumptionCharge related to units of energy consumption with different unit price.
11Tariff Clause AdjustmentQuarterly adjustment to reflect fluctuation in the cost of electricity generation and importation of the previous quarter.
12Government TaxMonthly tax payable for the use of electrical installation.
13Odd AmountFor the convenience of customers, odd amount will be carried forward to your next bill. Total charges will be rounded down to the nearest ten.
14Payment Due DateCustomer is required to settle the bill on or before the due date. For overdue payment, a late charge will be levied and transferred to next bill.
15Total Due AmountTotal amount you have to pay
16Autopay Information (Only applicable to autopay customers)Shows the bank name and Autopay date.
17Consumption HistogramDiagram shows your energy consumption over the last 13 months and average monthly consumption.
18MessageImportant information related to the electricity supply service

Understand My Bill

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